Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Business Home Income Internet Work

The Internet is a massive and powerful tool for the initial development of business-oriented online, marketing multilevel, electronic commerce, advertising online. It is considered that they have been almost 676 million people in the whole world that have had quick access to the Internet already, and, in this year, the worldwide commerce around the complex net will reach the trillions of dollar.

Nowadays the modern world is in high speed visible transformation. On one hand, the technical advances have forced jobs disappeared with an impressive rapidity and it has had the budget of the corporations to cut in. Nobody sees who could take its permanent job out. Men and women of vision have known of the critical importance to have one additional source of income, a when unexpected Plan B to develop it.

On the other hand, it is not destination of anybody to continue at the hands of perhaps leaves or of the corporative system. I do believe anyone can creatively build its future with its proper hands. An extra business home income Internet work can be its frequent passport for a modern style of new life!

But I am going to save us all some time and move right to the point. That are ok with you, right? This is not going to be another hyped up sales letter. I could write one if I eventually craved to, but in this particular case it is just not essential. Besides that, you are tired of the hype anyway are not you? It becomes old after awhile. Any relevant information more, the selective reader can give one be looked at in source signature below.

An executive business home income Internet work demand some works. If you are seriously thinking about making its proper business online, let me offer you relevant questions that I made myself and have helped me very much.

Have you felt qua is not earning much money as you win? Have you met drastic situation you have had not much time to be with your family? Have you imagined in being its proper master? Have you required extra unable cash for your expenditures? Have you worried about the financial future of your family? Your answers to the questions above should be very important to make recent determination and attitude in everything at your private life. A good profile to establish a work at home based business opportunity could come from that answers. And anyone could vary its profile. Paulo Freire was a great Brazilian educator. He widely used to say we have had many answers and much feel question along our existence. When you have switched on the TV, radio, open the periodical you could see many, many sort of answer to almost all kind of simple problems. What we have had rare frequently seen are good questions about the significant trouble history or the puzzle options to.

For instance, if you create a search at the Internet for work at home based business opportunity you would obviously meet many options. I recommend examine this options about budget, website setup, directly support, work part time, international expansion and whether how long you would have your invested money back.

So you could have a sort of questions and imagination that could offer you probable opportunity to think about yourself, your lifestyle and your ultimate targets. That should be my meanly offer to you: to help you to strongly think. At a business home Internet work what you learn you earn. In accordance with Paul Zane Pilzer businesses established of house and made by the Internet have been the biggest trends of the beginning of this era. What do you think about that

Work At Home Guide

I have strongly thought what could do make a work at home guide be effective for anyone at Internet Marketing? It should be something that helps anybody form a significant opinion or cause a precise determination about what to do at a modern Internet home based business. Mainly for those guys that knows anything about it.

At my experience that I hope to share here and being usefully for the readers I have to make sure it is not simple. When I have got started I have had no idea of what it was. No experience at HTML, to make a web site, promotion strategies, anyway, I just wanted to start something to make a real income work at home based business opportunity.

One of my business challenges have been the numerous communication border. I mean I obligated to previously understand English to start a brand new online business, but I am not from an English Country. I am from Brazil, and here we do not used to speak and read English a lot. But this did not make to give up.

I got I did have to have a reference guide, a work at home guide. But how and where I will get that?

I do not go to take a shortcut and to arrive at the end of this report obviously expressing that an only guide does not exist which serves for all. It really does not exist I could provide for you, dear reader. It gets us to introduction of this informative article: is it possible to having a work at home guide?

I believe that it is possible, through many research and readings, to format a personal guide. This reference guide would be a selective memory of the proper history of our life at a work at home business.

And one thing that could help a lot is to participate at forums. It is one of the best tools for newbies. The forums are places that can be considered as a database. There it is filed historical people posts of who had made of its doubts a process of data formatting that can be shared with that they have access.

And to participate of discussion groups has another benefit, beyond being able to learn and to have approach the knowledge: anyone can to make usefully its signature, with links for its proper web site. This will create back links for its proper page in the Internet. And that is very good to your page rank at Google.

Therefore anyone who dream to have a new income home online business believe that there is not a real and effective work at home guide. You need to make your own by yourself. And be sure, when you participate of forums you will be on the way.

The Audio Book Guide - Fitness001

Are you ready to find the workout with audio books solutions you have been searching for?

There's no doubt about it. Audio books have made life a whole lot easier. For those of us who like to workout to stay in great shape, audio books can help us achieve this with less stress. No longer should you engage in workouts just listening to music or to the radio. Now, with audio books, you can kill 2 birds with one stone. Below are exact ways in which you can use the power of audio books to maximize your workout.

1. Am I getting the best workout for my efforts? There are educative audio books that will show you more beneficial ways of staying in shape. Many people who workout don't even know the right ways to do so. Instead of guessing it, there are great audio books that will help you out. No matter how much you think already know about working out, there are audio books out there that will teach you much better ways. Some of these workout related audio books come with calming music in the background, thereby making you stay focused and attentive during the workout.

Any job, big or small; do it right, or not at all.

2. How can I increase my endurance? Audio books during workouts help to take your mind away from the physical activity. Instead of concentrating on the pain of the workout, you will be concentrating on the message contained in the audio book. This will allow you to stay longer when working out. If you usually jog for, say 10 minutes, with an interesting audio book you will be able to increase the jogging time to, say 30 minutes or more.

Do you see difficulty behind every opportunity, or opportunity behind every difficulty.

3. I wish I had someone to coach me..... There are specific audio books that talk about the importance of staying in shape and looking great. Such audio books can be great during workouts. They help to give you more reasons why you should stay at it working out, instead of giving yourself excuses why you shouldn't.

For instance, audio books by motivational experts such as Anthony Robbins who was previously overweight, but now has lost weight and looks great, can influence you on the need to workout, even when you don't feel like it. These books will help you to understand why you should workout to lose weight and realize that if Anthony Robbins could do it, you can do it too.

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Malcolm Forbes

4. My biggest problem is staying motivated, what can I do to stay on track? For those who might want to give up their exercise when it gets difficult, an inspiring audio book during exercises can influence and motivate you to keep at it. So, if you have always had a problem with sticking with your workout, get some great workout related and motivational audio books, such as Anthony Robbins "Awaken The Giant Within" and "Unlimited Power".

A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

Bonus tip:

Envision Success

Try to envision how great you will look and feel once you get in shape. If you can, find a picture of someone that has the same body type and pin it up where you can look at it every day to help you see the same results you too can reach with hard work and time.

Not only will these helpful audio books help you mentally, they will help you stick to your workout plan. And eventually you will look great physically and feel great mentally.

What's So Special About SEZs?

The Indian government is facing political heat from the farmers, opposition, and even from its own allies on setting up of special economic zones. The policy that aims to emulate China's success with SEZ by establishing a tax & customs free zones to encourage exports is now under fire on land acquisition. The controversy has prompted the Prime Minister to put on hold further approvals of SEZs.

The SEZs have always been marred by controversies — earlier by the Finance Ministry's fear on tax exemptions offered to these zones and now by the land acquisition.

There is not much doubt, that the SEZ concept will definitely help India succeed in a big way. The domestic manufacturers will be able to compete in the global markets. The SEZs will bring technology and manufacturing skills to India, create lakh of employment opportunities, attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), increase exports etc.

To achieve 10 percent GDP and make India a global manufacturing hub, we have to move towards industrialization but not at the expense of forcing farmers to give their arable land.

The government should come up with proper land acquiring policy, make financial reforms rather than making cosmetic changes to a globally successful model.

For industrialization, land is needed, but those who are losing their land must be adequately compensated. They must be paid market value of the land, offer jobs, regular income, home etc.

In a year, the government approved 237 SEZs, gave "in principle approval" to another 162 and received proposals from state governments for 304 more. All but 63 of those projects have been put on hold since protests erupted. Too many SEZ's with not serve the purpose, we should develop sound infrastructure and offer better facilities for foreign investors.If we look at China, it has few SEZ's but large ones.

Well Into the New Year - How on Target are You Now? Refocus Your Goals – Part 3 – Active Planning

We’ve looked at commitment and at focus so we know that if we have the right goal and we are fully engaged with it then we are well on the way to business and personal success. A third crucial element in ensuring success is the planning and doing - doing the right things, in the right way and at the right time.

Why make life complicated and tie the two together? Simple – loads of people plan and don’t do, do without linking to their plan and don’t do things that really must get done.

So active planning is vital for anyone building a business or designing a successful life and career.

What does it mean?

* Have a clear picture of where you want to end up.
* Carefully fix the steps to get you there
* Commit to and schedule the steps (making allowances for life to through in a little turbulence)
* Do the work to complete each step in a thorough and timely way (Celebrate each completion)
* Check you are on course or adjust accordingly.

This approach gets rid of the two biggest routes to failure – doing the wrong things and losing sight of your plan.

These are really common – you’ve done it and so have I! Lots of times in the past I had great ideas and got really involved in doing them but they were not important in getting me where I truly wanted to be. It’s like prairie dogs. They have a guard, a nominated individual that stands on a hill and watches for predators. The rest get on with what they do – caring, feeding or playing. If the guard loses concentration someone gets eaten! If it stays focused they all have a good day.

The same with active planning - do the right things at the right time - be active and always focused on the end goal.

If there is more than one of you in the business do regular brief reviews. Check where you’ve been and where you go next and agree who will do what and when, ready for the next review. If it is just you or if it is your personal life you are working on include a ‘buddy’ or a coach or mentor.

Small Business Owner Sales Tips

Small business owners may find selling awkward or difficult at best. Here are some tips and sales techniques to help understand the process.

Sales is not a dirty word. People seek answers to problems and if you provide a quality solution at a fair price, delivered on time and willingness to service after the sale, the buyer and seller each win. This is key to making repeat sales.

A sale is identifying a need (problem) and offering a suitable product or service (solution), yet there's more.

You know the value of what you offer, so how do you convince a prospective customer? Understanding the psychology of what happens during the sales process requires empathy. You need to know what the prospect is thinking. Here are a few sales tips with answers to that part of the mystery.

Tip #1
People buy based on emotion more often than reason. They purchase what they want, not necessarily what they need. First impressions are crucial, so your initial approach must establish a professional image. You have 5 seconds.

Tip #2
People will buy from someone they trust. Your credibility must be evident, and how you open after those critical first 5 seconds will often determine your success. Do not try a hard sell up front. Avoid talking about the weather, current events, or the latest joke. It is time to listen. A brief introduction is usually enough which gives the prospect a chance to explain their business and situation.

Tip #3
People are not looking just at you. What you have, what it does, and how it will help doesn't matter until you understand fully what they want. If you start out with an open ended question, you show respect for the buyer's time, and a willingness to listen. Any question that may be answered "yes" or "no" won't work. Open ended means you begin by asking or stating something like "Please take a moment to explain your business and a few details about what you need."

Tip #4
People will open up if given a chance. Do not dominate the conversation until you understand what they want. Be prepared to paraphrase what you hear, and then offer your solution. Your message needs to be direct and to the point to establish the benefits of what you offer. Anything that you can do to create a mental image of your solution and the benefits to the customer shows you care more about them than the sale.

Tip #5
People are usually sold before you ask for the order. Many are presold in those first 5 seconds explained in Tip #1. If you listen first, restate what they have said, and then explain your solution in terms of the benefits, it's time to ask for the order. A small business owner may not be comfortable here. My advice is simply state "I want to do business with you. From what I have learned, I'm ready to help, so let's get started today."

Tip #6
People will forgive mistakes if you remain honest. Establish trust, and openly admit errors if mistakes are made, and your customers are more likely to remain loyal. Have a plan when things go wrong. React quickly and state what happened, what you are doing to resolve any problems, and how long it will take. How you handle mistakes will be remembered by your customers a lot longer than what went wrong.

Tip #7
People will not forgive a dishonest salesperson. A sale is not about tricking someone into something they don't want or need. This is an important and tough rule: Be prepared to refuse an order if you realize your solution just won't work. In any sales situation if you perceive an opportunity to sell, but doubt the results of your product or service, consider your long term reputation. Credibility lost is nearly impossible to regain, so give your customers the truth up front.

In conclusion, the value of placing what your customer wants, or needs, ahead of your sales quota or personal interests will help you succeed. Repeat sales depend on a business relationship where you care about your customers. Adapt your thinking to solving problems instead of selling something. The best salespersons are still those who are good listeners.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Well Into The New Year! How Off Target Are You Now? Refocus Your Goals – Part 2 – Focus

What are you focused on? How sharp is that focus? How relevant is that focus?

As Stephen Covey says it is vital to “start with the end in mind”. So when you design your business or your life it is vital to have a clear idea of where you want to get to. How successful, how rich, how famous, how happy do you plan to be?

Within that big picture what happens day by day? What are the individual steps that move you consistently and steadily towards this big view? Many of us have a head full of our ‘fantasy’ future. But this is so often nothing more than a vision, almost a diversion from the reality of what we are doing and where we will end up.

We have looked at commitment and how vital it is for us to fully ‘sign up’ to the future we are beginning to build. Focus is just as important because it is the reality we build into our picture of the future that decides whether we will succeed or fail.

If you haven’t done it before get hold of some binoculars. Look towards a point in the distance and look through the lenses turn the focus. All of a sudden your target will become absolutely clear, with sharp edges. The mistiness and the blurred edges vanish. It is like being in a dark room and the lights go on – everything becomes clear.

Your career and your life can be like that. If you are focusing on something you truly want and you truly commit to the focus is astounding. The sharpest edges and the clearest colours you will ever see. And as you move towards your staging posts on your journey the focus, the gains, the sense of achievement will give even greater clarity.

Appointment Reminders for Medical Billing Revenue Protection and Patient Relationship Management

When patients miss appointments, they interrupt the flow of patient care, impede clinic productivity, and signal an eroding patient loyalty. The rate of no-shows runs at thirty percent for the average family practice. A missed appointment amounts to missed billing revenue. Worse, if the clinicians are part-time or full-time staff rather than contracted, they sit idle on the company clock, losing money with each passing minute. Finally, a missed appointment could be a symptom of a deserting patient, signaling a potential loss of long-term billing revenue.

Reminder calls for upcoming appointments and follow up calls on recent no-shows are effective strategies for billing revenue protection because they reduce numbers of no-shows and help early identification of incipient patient attrition and other patient relationship problems. Vendors of reminder call services quote no-show reduction rates of fifty percent. They also mention comparable improvement of long-term patient loyalty. Other no-show reduction strategy components include charges for missed appointments, no-show statistics analysis, and overbooking.

While recognizing the benefits of reminder calls, busy practice owners often neglect or postpone reminder and follow up calls because of other office management priorities, such as personnel issues or billing. As with any other management initiative, to get results, reminder call strategy must be implemented systematically and consistently.

Reminder call automation delivers the benefits of billing revenue protection and patient relationship management in a disciplined and systematic fashion and at significantly lower cost. Successful implementation of reminder call automation depends on technology and require:

Turn Your Favorite Hobby Into A Successful Home Based Business

Anyone who would like to be independent of a boss could start a home based business of his or her own. It is just a matter of knowing what you would like to do and how you will achieve your goals. Give yourself a time limit so that you know within a certain time you must have made your plans to get started on your business.

If you do not have a clear picture in your mind of what you would like to do, take some time to think about it and look around you what other people are doing. It could give you an idea of what might interest you. It is always a good idea to stick to something that interests you and that you are good at. When you are interested in something you remain focused which will help make your business a success.

Think about the building industry and how many different facets it has. There might be something that you are particularly good at and could begin sub contracting for someone. This could be the beginning of something big for you.

You might want to turn your favorite hobby into a way of earning a living. You could make your articles at home and then sell them at various flea markets, or you could find stores that would like to buy them from you. There are numerous things that you can make in your home for resale. This type of business is particularly advantageous for mothers who need to be at home with their children. Operating a business from home is convenient for most people.

No Such Thing as the Self-Help Industry

I know this might sound silly coming from someone who skirts the perimeter of the self-help industry. However, it supports the way I coach, so accurately, I have no other choice than to proclaim “There’s no such thing as the Self-Help Industry”.

There are consultants that seep into the self-help industry. Being a business coach as well as a consultant can be an attractive offer. It might seem like one heck of a deal to get two rolled up in one. And this story is not about maligning the business consulting industry. When it comes to getting business advice they are the greatest.

Consider this. You have a business in trouble and you call up a consultant/coach to help you out. Here is where the difference lies. A consultant listens to, and reviews all aspects of your business and offers advice, suggestions and changes to your business. If that is what you want then a consultant is for you. My job as a coach is totally different.

To say that business is just business is the biggest contradiction I’ve ever run in to. A business is ALL about relationships. What kind of relationship do you have with your colleagues, staff or employees? How good of a leader are you, even if you are the bottom of the staffing hierarchy? Every business needs and should have every person involved, thinking and acting like a leader.

What kind of relationship do you have with vendors, suppliers, customers? If you don’t want to even think about it, this is an area for coaching. How about all the fires you are putting out? Want to get to a place where you are responding to events in your business and not reacting?

What kind of personal relationships do you have outside your business? To say that these are unimportant is misleading. They are VERY important. Show me a person who says my work stays at work and my personal life is for home….well sorry I don’t believe them. I doubt very much the mind shuts off automatically when you walk into the office building. And I am willing to bet the minute you walk through the front door of your home your mind does not totally shut out work. When you have problems at work they place stress on personal relationships. When you have problems at home, unless you are a computer with a solid filing system, they walk through the front door of your office. It’s normal.

Coaching deals with handling the issues that in some way affect your business. Get to a place where you respond and not react to things in your business as well as your personal life. To believe that your business acts in isolation to the rest of your life is just not helpful or even true.

Do I know much about business? Well actually I do but I don’t give advice. My assumption is that you already know the solutions to what is vexing you. You already surrounded your business with people you admire and trust to show you how to run your business. If not, then you might want to reconsider the lack of business support. I would prefer you come up with THAT solution on your own and almost always my clients do.

“Hey! I should call up that consultant and get some help with my business plan!”

And my response would be, “Yes that is a great idea!”

If you run into a consultant who will give you business advice as well as coaching then that IS a good deal but they aren’t going to be cheap. If they are cheap then I would be suspicious.

What has this got to do with the self-help industry, not existing? Well all those books that tell you now to do things the “right” way…well there IS no right way. Exploring consulting vs. coaching was just a way to show the difference.There is only your way. I will never write a book on self-help. I don’t believe any one book is going to offer you the solution that is going to inspire, motivate and MAINTAIN the excitement that comes with “flow”.

I believe that I am a thought provoker and nothing more. You are the expert in your life and my job is to support you and ask the right questions. I know when I’ve followed my intuition and asked the right question, all sorts of lights start to come on. My clients walk away inspired, motivated and excited to try out what THEY figured out all on their own. I offer support as delayed feedback because my goal is to not have my clients accountable to me. My goal is to keep that fire burning that started with the spark of inspiration.

A Guide To Automated Niche Profits

Many people who set up niche sites have to work hard to make a profit. To have automated niche profits would be a dream come true and impossible right? Wrong! Even though it may seem difficult, it is possible for site owners to enjoy automated niche profits. It’s an incredible, but achievable dream.

So how can you set up a niche site that garners automated niche profits? Well, it’s not extremely easy at first, as it does take time to set up the system which will make you money. But it’s also not the most difficult thing. In this article, we’re going to tell you exactly how to set up a site that gets you automated niche profits.

There’s a first step for everything—here’s your first step toward automated niche profits

The first step for every kind of niche site—a frequently updated one or an automated one—is to figure out a profitable niche. It’s actually fairly easy. You come up with a list of 10 possible niches and, one by one, plug those into the search engine. Pick the one that is about in the middle in terms of popularity. That is, pick a niche that isn’t overdone or not popular enough to be a success for you. If you really can’t figure out a niche, just go to digitalpoint.com/tools and use their tool to help you figure out one. Whatever you do, pick a good niche, because it is the key to automated niche profits.

After you do that, you purchase your domain and hosting. When purchasing the domain, make sure your niche topic is in the URL. You don’t want a URL that says catsrule.com when your site is about music. Pick a good, easy to remember domain name. Something that is way too long will be hard to remember, which will decrease your visitors. You need as many visitors as you can get to earn automated niche profits, so this point is important.

Next, you must determine what your moneymaker will be. If it’s selling products, you will have to do some work in the form of shipping the products. If it’s displaying ads for businesses on your site, you won’t have to do much beyond signing up and displaying the ads. We’ll be going over the latter.

Go to Google and type in “affiliate programs”. Take a look through those and pick ads that fit your site’s niche. This will increase the number of clicks the ads get, which will, in turn, increase the amount of cash you get. Irrelevant ads won’t do you much good at all.

Your next step is to create good content for the sites. This is what attracts the search engine spiders and thus visitors. It is extremely important to have content which is relevant to your site, pleasing to visitors and search engine spiders. Create content that is rich in keywords and rich in quality, which will help you to get automated niche profits.

After creating the site and putting good content on it, plus the ads, you’ll want to invest in an auto-responder program. While it will cost you some money at first, it’s worth it. You want an auto-responder program that will send out professional messages for you, so that the process is automated. When a visitor signs up for something on your site, the auto-responder will send them emails you have created in whatever interval you want. Some good auto-responder programs are Emailaces, Getresponse and Aweber. Don’t neglect this part of the process—it is essential to making automated niche profits.

Finally, create a landing page for visitors to sign up for, say, a free book or newsletter. This way, you’ll have their email address so that you can send them emails (automated ones) to perhaps get them to visit your site again. The more visitors you find and keep, the more automated niche profits you’ll enjoy.

Easy To Start Home Based Business

If you are ready to select a best home based online business you first need to jot down the various home based online business ideas that you have.

These ideas must match your resources and interest. Sort these ideas as per your interest and capabilities. Choose the one that best fits in your budget. Selecting the best home based online business is not difficult if you do it with industrial analysis of all the opportunities open to you. . With your own home based online business you are going to be your own boss, so why not enter into venture with a strong platform. You should clearly know what you want from the business and how best to do it.

A clear vision of your work is a prerequisite for any business including home based businesses. Once the vision is clear, it will be easy for you to start and execute the plan and idea of your best home based online business. Remember you can succeed in a work only when you have a commitment to do that. To make serious money online, you need to have a serious approach to your business also.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Easy To Start Home Based Business

If you are ready to select a best home based online business you first need to jot down the various home based online business ideas that you have.

These ideas must match your resources and interest. Sort these ideas as per your interest and capabilities. Choose the one that best fits in your budget. Selecting the best home based online business is not difficult if you do it with industrial analysis of all the opportunities open to you. . With your own home based online business you are going to be your own boss, so why not enter into venture with a strong platform. You should clearly know what you want from the business and how best to do it.

A clear vision of your work is a prerequisite for any business including home based businesses. Once the vision is clear, it will be easy for you to start and execute the plan and idea of your best home based online business. Remember you can succeed in a work only when you have a commitment to do that. To make serious money online, you need to have a serious approach to your business also.

Benefits of home based businesses

Since you operate your home based business from the confines of your home, it provides you the following benefits:

1. The business provides you the opportunity to cash on your hobby.
2. You enjoy your work.
3. Avoids you the stress and tensions of a regular job.
4. It saves you the overhead costs like transportation.
5. There is no one to do the bossing.
6. Flexibility of time schedule.
7. Work as much as you like.
8. Setting your own deadlines.
9. Look after your family.
10. You can maintain a balance between your professional and personal life.

Home based online business ideas

Here are some home based business ideas to explore and opportunities to make money online. These ideas will help you in earning good amount of money sitting at home.

1. If you have flair for writing, jobs like online freelance writer or proof reading are some of the best opportunities to make money online. It hardly requires any inventory and investment. You are just making money by selling your knowledge and writing skills. These types of jobs are particularly preferred by ladies as they can do the house hold work, see their family and also earn money. Working people can also do a part time job of freelance writer/proof reader. The only thing you need is a computer with Internet connection. Freelance writing is an easy home based business offering good chances of earning money.

2. A lot of data entry jobs are in the market and companies get this work done from outside. You can tap this market. Slowly you can have huge amount of work. You can build your credibility by giving work in time. This work also requires only computer and Internet connection.

3. You can do more than one job from home. Chat room moderator is also a lucrative home based business. You can work from and get paid hourly. You have to make sure that everyone in the room is obeying the site's guidelines. Medical transcription job is also preferred by many people as a home based online business.

4. You can also make online promotion of home based online business ideas. People are in search of authentic business ideas that are earning well.

5. You can join a networking home based online business and earn profits and commissions by selling a product online.

The list is endless and the important thing is to work with full commitment and dedication. You are the one to decide how you position you and your company.

Take care of some the basic things given below and you can make a great success of the best home based online business:

Small business owners don’t need to hope for miracles to solve their cash flow problems, according to accountant Caroline Jordan, a business coach and

You've established your home party business, and now it's time to get to work. But the phone is standing in your way! What's your fear? Is it the fear of rejection? Let's discuss what you can do about it and how it can help your home party business.

The prospect might reject the product, service, or home party business opportunity you are offering.

Make the commitment to make the phone call anyway. You never know when hearing your voice and what you have to offer just might be what that prospect needs at that specific moment in time. And if not, leave them with a cheery attitude that lets them know you are there when/if their needs change. Remember, the only person you can control is you. Do what you can and accept that there will be some people who truly are not interested in what you have to offer from your home party business. Respect their choice and say, "Thanks for answering my call."

Checking up on your customers lets them know you care about *their* needs so that you can better service them. Put the focus on them. Find out if they are satisfied with the home party business product(s) and who they know that might appreciate the same benefits. This is a great time to build a referral list for your home party business.

Personalize the phone call, asking about their children, a vacation, something that connects the two of you, etc., before getting down to home party business. Truly *listen* to their response and note how you might tie that into your product, service, or home business party opportunity the next time you talk. Keep a log of these interactions in a home party business journal.

Practice role-playing with someone who is in the same or similar home party business as you. Each take turns being the caller and the prospect. Make a commitment with a person who will take this seriously and do this on a daily basis until you both feel more comfortable and confident with handling whatever objections the other comes up with.

Realize that becoming more comfortable and confident in you home party business calls will also come from *making a lot of phone calls!* Make a commitment to at least 5-10 call a day (you choose the right number), whether it be to prospects, customers, or team members. Be diligent. Try a couple of different approaches and see which ones work the best. No matter what, *NEVER* quit!

When you know that what you have to offer people is advantageous to your prospect, why wouldn't you let them know?! You believed in this home party business for yourself, believe that others will too. Be your company's biggest cheerleader. Prospects are waiting to be asked. Make sure they say "yes" to you.

Make sure your prospect "sees" you and your home party business in a positive light. Their visual comes from how they hear you. Make sure you are upbeat, talk clearly, talk at a speed so that your words can be understood, and talk at a normal volume as if that prospect was sitting next to you.

New Book Combats Small Business Cash Flow Problems With Stress-Saving Strategies

Small business owners don’t need to hope for miracles to solve their cash flow problems, according to accountant Caroline Jordan, a business coach and author of the new paperback book, Stop the Cash Flow Roller Coaster, I Want to Get Off! “Small business owners have more control over their cash flow than they realize,” says Jordan.

Based on financial rescue missions and cash flow makeovers she has performed for scores of struggling small business owners, Jordan suggests seven techniques that have an immediate and long-term impact in improving cash flow.

1. Avoid the common but deadly “Fly by the Seat of Your Pants” accounting method. Businesses need to systematically track income, expenses, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. If you know how your business is doing just once a year at tax time, you’re bound to end up deeply mired in the Cash Flow Swamp.

2. Developing “Strength in Numbers.” Once you have your accounting system in place, you need to learn what the numbers tell you and how to use those numbers to manage and grow your business.

3. Keep tight control of credit. Business owners can land themselves in credit trouble in two ways: granting credit to problem customers of theirs and misusing credit they receive from banks, credit cards, and vendors.

4. Be sure Receivables and Payables “play nice” together. The money owed to you by your customers needs to arrive in time for you to pay your vendors and your employees. When your customers take 60 days to pay and your vendors demand payment within 30 days, you can quickly end up in a cash flow crunch.

5. Make decisions based on cash flow, not just profit. Many businesses that fail are profitable when the doors close. What those businesses are missing is cash. When you pursue that big, juicy contract or think about hiring another employee, always ask yourself, “What will this do to my cash flow?”

6. Don’t forget your debt to society. Some bills are easy to forget… like sales tax, payroll taxes, and estimated taxes. Ignoring them doesn’t make them go away. Planning ahead makes the tax bite easier to manage and keeps you from suffering Tax Day sticker shock. Scrambling to find money for taxes causes major cash flow problems.

7. Don’t spend your company’s future on a speedboat. Everybody loves toys. Just don’t make the mistake of considering all the profits of your business as “fun money.” You’ve undoubtedly heard personal financial planners say that you should have enough cash set aside for six months of expenses. This is true for your business, too. Sales ebb and flow. Expenses rise. Customers leave. Vehicles break down. Computers fry. The number one rule of small business is “Stuff Happens!” Having a reserve of cash keeps your cash flow from tanking every time a new challenge appears.

How To Start Working From Home

In todays work world it is not enough to just work one job anymore. Most people today have to work two jobs maybe even three, and its becoming harder and harder to live day to day. So now people are searching for other streams of income, and they are turning to the Internet and seeking help. They are looking for ways to create money working from home online, and today I am going to help show you how to get started.

The first and far most important thing you must first realize is that working at home does not me you have the day off, and you do not have to do anything. This is why most people will fail. You have to think of it as you are just starting a business that NOBODY knows about, and has never heard of before. So of course it will be hard your first month or so.

There is however a few things you can do to get your name and new found business out to the world a little faster. You can first start off by writing up a very detailed press release. A press release is always good to submit when you first release something, or open something new. Tell them what you do, and what you have to offer. Be very clear, and give a lot of information. A press release if good can bring in a high amount of traffic to your website.

Next you should submit a few articles. Article submission is good for a number of reasons. If you write a really good article people may place it on their site, and it could mean you getting a few thousands hits to your site. Your article will also give you very good one way links back to your website which in return will help increase your page ranking in google for keywords you might be using.

Once you have some traffic coming to your website the next step you will need to take is finding away to convert your customers into sales. You can accomplish this by creating what is called a lead capture page. A lead capture page will allow you to collect customers information. You can then follow up with them on your business. This will lead to people calling you back, or replying to your email ads asking for more information. This is a very good way to increase your return on investment with any business you have.

Business Process Consulting - Consulting to the Small Business Owner

Why are small businesses such a powerhouse in the economy?

One of the ingredients is that successful small businesses are run by people with passion. Small business owners believe in what they are doing, and they love doing it. They are brimming with ideas.

At heart, most small business people feel that they were born to make a difference in the world - to make the world a better place. The small business owner is obsessed with succeeding in making that difference and reaping the rewards that they deserve for both themselves and for the people around them.

They do what it takes to make something happen - the long hours, the heartache, the joy, the desperation, the failure, the success and the elation. These people experience the full range of human emotion in the pursuit of their dream. They are the true believers.

How then can the small business consultant contribute to the small business owner’s success?

The answer is that the small business consultant must know how to help the small business owner learn to think strategically and thereby gain clarity, focus and direction. Such results are possible only when the consultant keeps three critical factors in mind:

- While passion is often a key ingredient, a small business cannot run on passion alone
- The small business person must make good strategic decisions
- A successful small business person works hard

Monday, February 12, 2007

Wholesale Supplier List Scams to Be Aware Of

Selling retail products online or offline can be a great business, however, when it comes to finding genuine wholesale supplier lists you have to become aware of the many scammers on the internet waiting for unsuspecting buyers. These wholesale supplier scams promise legitimate wholesale resources but many don't deliver. Here are a few tips to become aware of so that you can be on the lookout for scams.

Watch Out for Middlemen
When purchasing wholesale items from a legitimate resource, you are dealing directly with the wholesale company. A person or company who comes between you and the wholesale company is referred to as "middlemen." Many middlemen pose as wholesalers, yet charge business owners monthly fees and inflate wholesale prices. You end up paying a higher price for wholesale items and will be beat out by your competition who can sell the same items at a lower price. Remember, you will get the true wholesale price when dealing with a wholesale company directly.

Many Wholesalers Don't Advertise
Many wholesale companies do not feel it is worth their time to advertise to small business owners who sell on the internet. This is understandable when they have large accounts they deal with already. This is where the middlemen come in because they know the first place a new business owner will search for wholesale supplier lists is on the internet. Some wholesale companies do advertise on the internet but trying to find them could take hours or days. Don't give in and fall for the scammer lists thinking it will save you time. Do the research yourself because all the middlemen are waiting for is to take a chunk of your profit margin.

Finding Legitimate Wholesale Suppliers Isn't Simple
Many wholesale list scammers will advertise that using their list or system will make selling online easy and make you rich. Beware of the sales talk on their websites. They will over promise big sales and high profit margins. If there are legitimate wholesale supplier resources on the internet today, I bet I could count them all on one hand. Researching for true wholesalers will take time when you do it yourself and you will be better off not being ripped off by the middlemen.

If you are a small business owner who has already fallen for a scam, don't be too hard on yourself. Now you are more knowledgeable when it comes to finding wholesale suppliers yourself. Remember to keep the above tips in mind so that you are not making the middlemen rich.

What's Eating Your Business?

In the last year a sea change has taken place in the small business world. Before, having charisma, dedication, and some mojo were all you needed to start a business and find success. If your heart was really in it and you took some smart marketing steps, you could find clients. Especially if you really let yourself boldly show up in your work.

Those days are over, my friends. There are more and more people in your field; your target customers and clients are more and more inundated with marketing messages. They have heard it from seven other people before you, and they just do not have the bandwidth to listen anymore. The bar has just been raised for my self-employed clients; and for you.

In 2007, a new kind of power is necessary. Focus, inspiration, and mastery are going to be the keys to your success; now more than ever. You need to be THE BEST at what you do, to capitalize on your strengths so that everything is easier, and to FOCUS on the simplest actions that will have the greatest impact on your results.

If you are having trouble with any of these, you may have a Fatal Power Drain at work behind the scenes. Take a little look over your business. Are any of these tendencies draining your power?

  1. Conforming. If other people are saying the same things you are saying, using the same marketing techniques and strategies you are using, or offering the same products or services you are offering, YOU ARE INVISIBLE. Do something new.
  2. Chickening Out. If you make great plans but then falter when it is time to pick up the phone, send the email, or approach the well-connected person; you cannot be successful. You need to find your own source of boldness and courage. Dive in.
  3. Perfectionism. If you spend all of your time and energy planning things out on paper, making spreadsheets, and perfecting your copy; everyone else in your industry will be so far out ahead that you will never catch up. Take action!
  4. Assuming. You cannot possible guess what your customers are thinking, alone in your own head. You cannot assume that a marketing strategy will work for you. You cannot foresee which business name, tagline, or title will resonate with your people. Do not assume. FIND OUT. Do the research.
  5. Forcing Things. If anything you are doing is really hard - if you are having to force yourself to do it or force a strategy to work - you are doing something wrong. There is an easier way that people will respond to much more readily! Find it.
  6. Bogging Down. You cannot possible move your business forward while you are constantly reacting, tying up loose ends, and putting out fires. If you can't get ahead of things in your business because there are so many crises, then you need to work SMARTER, not harder. Focus!

Business Strategy - Why You Shouldn't Fear New Competition

Here's a business strategy to use that turns competition to your advantage. First answer this, what's the first thing we do when new business competition appears on the scene?

Panic, investigate the intruder or maybe think we will have to lower prices. Most likely we could do all of these. Now that is the negative way to go about things. The savvy business owner would think far more positively in this situation.

They have the confidence in their products or services to know they can withstand any new competition. More importantly, they know how to use this business strategy to their advantage and they actually welcome the newcomer because there is a wealth of information to be gained.

If you are faced with this situation you should first investigate the new opposition. This is straight forward market research. Find out what the new business competition is doing, how well it is being done and the prices being asked. However, if you decide to do this, and venture into your opponent's territory, don't be too bothered by what you find. Using the business strategy, revealed here, you will discover there are many advantages to be gained from new competitors and we'll look at a few now.

  1. Checking out the new boy (or girl) should present you with some new ideas that you can utilize in your own business. New products may be seen that could supplement your own stock and new techniques may be seen that could benefit your own operation. Learn from anything positive you find and implement it in your own business where ever possible.
  2. Having checked out their good points, that you have now turned to your advantage, you can then look at the negative side of the new rival. Although already in your favor, anything your competitor is doing wrong can also be used, even further, to increase your advantage.

    Remember when you first entered their premises.

    • What were your first impressions?
    • What were your impressions of the staff and service?
    • How about the layout?

    • Try and take note of everything then, if you noticed anything you didn't like, compare it to your own business. Does your business have any of these negative points and do your customers have the same, negative, impressions with your premises and services that you may have had with your competitor?

    Make all necessary changes, as outlined above, and you will have many new positives, to match your opponent's, and, hopefully, none of their negatives. A definite edge, don't you think?

    One big advantage, new competition brings, is an increase in prospective customers to you. Any advertising, the new competitor has, helps you. Potential customers see the advert, visit the area and, providing you have an obvious presence, for example an easily seen sign, will also visit your business.

    If your competitor advertises in the same places as you this will also serve to increase your customers. If prospective customers see more suppliers, of your product, in your area then this will make their trip worthwhile. Customers from outside your normal area will now visit and your captive customer area will expand.

    OK, so now you have more potential customers but you also have to share them. You now need to know how to get more than your fair share. Would the savvy business owner lower his prices to match or beat the competitor?

    Probably not. Price may well be one of your customer's biggest considerations, if not the biggest, but quality also plays a major part. Identical products obviously have to be evenly matched for price. If one supplier is $50 or just $1 more than the other then the cheaper supplier will probably win the business. However, if competing products are not identical then $1 difference may win the sale for the lowest priced supplier but a $50 difference will make the customer stop and think.

    The lower priced product may be looked upon with suspicion, especially if the supplier with the highest priced product generally has good prices. The product with the lower price may be equal in all things but could be looked upon as too cheap and therefore thought of as being of a lower quality. So, sometimes a higher price can be asked, especially if your prices are generally looked upon as being reasonable.

    Of course not all your products can be priced high. By all means set some of your prices lower than your competitors, even if it means selling at cost (a lost leader), but also go slightly higher on others. Where ever possible create quality in your products, services and customer service and this will command higher prices. Generally try to create a well balanced, respectable price structure which doesn't necessarily mean lowering your prices. By having the balance of both lower and higher prices you will give customers a reason to visit both premises, not just your competitor's, for the best deal. Then your superior quality and service can win them over.

    Finally, I am not advocating that you overcharge your customer or falsely lead them into thinking that your products are superior if they are not. However with care and thought you can set your prices competitively, use your competitor to your own advantage and boost your profits.

    There you have it, the business strategy to beat your competitors. Now do you fear new business competition or are YOU the business competition to be feared?

Accept Credit Cards On Your Web Site

It’s a lot easier to just whip out a card and charge it, versus get the checkbook out, try to find a pen, write the check out, and heaven forbid you don’t have your driver’s license on you!

There are many ways you can accept credit cards online. It is not, unfortunately, as simple as it sounds. There are many factors to consider. What is your target audience? Are you shipping tangible product, or a downloadable product? What do you want to spend? What kind of sales volume are you expecting? Hopefully this article will help you make a more informed decision.

First of all, let’s set some definitions. There are 2 main ways to accept credit cards on your website. One is through a third-party payment processor. An example of this is PayPal or 2Checkout. The payment engine is on their website, and your control over many aspects of the transaction will be limited. The other method is a payment gateway linked to a merchant account you hold. An example of this would be Authorize.net linked to your business bank account. You have complete control over how to accept payments, but there are a lot more things you have to do to ensure the quality of your visitors experience and transaction security.

Let’s examine some of these methods.

First, lets compare the pros and cons of a traditional merchant account versus a third-party processor.

Merchant Accounts: Generally have monthly fees. Can be harder to get, as you have to often pass credit checks. May require some programming to get them to work with your site. Portray professionalism – your name is on the statements. Are better if you wish to accept credit cards offline – face to face or over the phone. Deposit funds within 1 to 3 days, typically Are generally direct accounts with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.

Third Party Processors: Often have no monthly fees. Usually charge a flat per transaction fee plus a percentage of each transaction. Don’t usually allow custom shopping experience – the customer leaves your site to pay. Often have other features built in, such as affiliate programs. Hold your money for up to a month. Are often geared towards selling downloadable products. Often have built in affiliate marketing programs.

I mentioned PayPal and 2Checkout earlier. Some other services are Clickbank, PayDotCom, SaleFlurry, WorldPay, iBill, Google Checkout, and many more. We’ll examine a few from the above list: PayPal, 2Checkout, Clickbank, PayDotCom, and SaleFlurry, as these are services I use and am quite familiar with.

PayPal is a great way to accept payments for digital and tangible goods. There are quite a few shopping cart software packages that can integrate with PayPal, or you can just copy and paste a few lines of code into your site to make a “Buy Now” button. Advantages of PayPal – easy to use, no signup fee, widely used and they’ve been around for a while. The disadvantages are the fact that PayPal prefers that you be a member to purchase someone’s product or service. You don’t HAVE to be, but they “urge” you to be. They also hold your money until you withdraw it. PayPal can support both digital and tangible products.

2Checkout is one of my favorites. They deposit money within a few days to your bank account. Many shopping carts also integrate with 2Checkout. Their fees tend to be the highest, but they are also pretty easy to use, and I feel they are the closest to having a real merchant account without having one. 2Checkout supports both Digital and Tangible products. There is also a 49 dollar signup fee.

Clickbank is a favorite among internet marketers. They have a built in affiliate program and a marketplace to sell your product on. They only support digital products, and you can only have one sales URL per account (although you can have many products on it). They also have a price cap on products. They pay by check every 2 weeks. There is a signup fee of 49 dollars.

PayDotCom is a newer processor, created as a competitor to Clickbank. They are similar in that they have a built in affiliate program and an online marketplace. PayDotCom could be considered a front end to PayPal, as payments are deposited into a PayPal account. There is no signup fee, unless you want to sell multiple products, and then it is a one time 29 dollar fee. They allow Digital and Tangible products.

SaleFlurry is a brand new service that just launched in July of 2006. It has an affiliate program, and integrates with PayPal as well. SaleFlurry is unique in that if you have a traditional merchant account and an account with the payment gateway Authorize.net, you can accept payments that way. Signup is free, and transaction fees are a flat 1 to 3 dollars per transaction.

Google Checkout:
I am mentioning Google Checkout because it is new, and it’s from Google. Signup is free, plus you get credit towards your AdWords account if you sell product through Google Checkout. At this time, it only works with Tangible goods. But, hopefully Google will change that soon.

I’ve gone over some of the more popular third party payment processors above. So, what if you want to completely integrate payments on your website? Or, you don’t want to have to send the buyer to another website to pay, and then return to yours? What if you need to accept payments by phone or in person?

It’s time to look at the traditional Merchant account.

A Merchant account is typically used with brick and mortar businesses. The credit card swipe terminal is the front end. When the card is swiped, the information is communicated to a payment gateway, such as Authorize.net, and then money is deposited from the sale to your bank account through the merchant account. I know, it sounds rather confusing. Merchant accounts and payment gateways don’t usually come together in a neat package either. You need to talk to your bank about turning your business account into a merchant account, then set up with a payment gateway to get your terminal set up (either the physical swipe terminal like a TelXon or Verifone unit, or an online virtual terminal where you enter the card information into a computer).

When I set up my merchant account, I was not up to speed on all the monthly costs and what I’d pay up front. Plus, at the time I had no idea how to integrate it with my website. I called quite a few places for information, but the most helpful was Charge.com. They don’t charge the signup fees or virtual terminal fees that others charge. So, if a traditional merchant account is your cup of tea, Charge.com is the best place to start.

Shopping Cart Software

There are literally hundreds of different shopping cart software packages on the market. Some are free, others can run up to almost a thousand dollars. There are pros and cons to using shopping cart software to accept payments. First of all, most software of this nature can accept payments through several sources. One such package, OSCommerce, can accept payments through PayPal, 2Checkout, and Authorize.net – making it very flexible.Most Shopping Cart software packages have an “out of the box” design scheme, and it is often difficult to create a custom design to integrate with your existing site’s design. There are often plenty of “plug in” templates available to change the basic look and color combinations, but heavy customization would most likely require the services of a developer who is familiar with a particular package and could customize the look to suit your needs. All in all, having some sort of Shopping Cart software is advantageous if you are selling a large variety of products and shipping them – most of these packages can also integrate with FedEx, UPS, and USPS for your shipping needs.

There are many ways to accept credit cards on your website, and I’ve covered many of them here. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Take into account what you are selling, the prices of the products, how many sales you expect, and how good you are at web development.

That wraps up this overview. Thanks for reading, and I hope that you have gained enough basic knowledge to know what will – and won’t – work for your business needs!

When Your Spouse is Also Your Business Partner

I worked as a Yellow Page consultant for nearly 25 years, and before that ran an advertising agency. Over those three decades, I met with many husband and wife teams. The small business was, and still is, the backbone of the directory business. I got to observe the good, the bad, and the ugly. Being in a relationship, whether as a marriage or a business, a partnership can bring out the best and the worst in people. I don’t think that a business arrangement can save or improve a bad marriage. But it can certainly put a strain on one.

During my tenure, most of the time the man was the boss. The wife was the accountant, junior partner, advisor, or vice-president. But, although I met with the husband, the wife always seemed to have the last word. He would begin to make an advertising decision and then she would overrule it. This wasn’t always the case, but it turned out that way more often than not. I witnessed physical fights, intimidation, name-calling, verbal or mental abuse, power plays, and general discontent. I frequently got the front row seat to a “brawl in the hall” or the “doom in the room” and therefore it wasn’t pretty.

That’s not to say that all couples fought. Some were relatively compatible and still used subtle ways to get their points across. I noticed that the older ones tended to battle less. Perhaps it was because they knew each other longer and better. But even with them, there was still this struggle to maintain control. I watched several divorces born from this atmosphere of conflict and progress toward an inevitable outcome. Later, they would split up and divide the business. One gentleman kept his share and had to offer his wife a massive buyout. Another situation had the man leaving with all the firm’s accounts, letting his wife keep just the business name. Another split the business and each had to cope with half the accounts and half the bills. Each got a new business name as they dissolved the original company.

I used to advise my accounts that partnerships were destined to fail, whether they were husband and wife or friend and associate. My belief was based on observations and some personal experience. I saw businesses where one partner did well more than half the work, yet equally divided the profits. I rarely saw a partnership where each owner did their fair share. There was almost inevitably hard feelings because of this inequality of labor. Someone began to complain about the other shirking responsibility, coming in late, not following up at all, or placing personal commitments ahead of the business. In a marriage, it’s much tougher to cope with.

The husband or wife has to go home with that person. So, if they criticize their work habits on the job, that negative action follows them back into their house, and eventually, into the bedroom. So you can imagine the fireworks there. It’s a tricky balancing act. Who is the head person in the business and who follows orders? Who has the final say and who has the right to question the verdicts that will guide the company? When do you realize that it’s not working out and which one will decide that it’s for the best interest of the firm for one to step down? It’s rather like the results of a divorce . Instead of children and property to split, there are assets, perhaps stocks, inventory, and the corporation itself at risk. Who gains and who loses?

So, am I saying that a husband and wife team can’t run a business? Well, I have some qualifications to make such a judgment. My wife and I run a web-site business and have for over two years. She is the founder and CEO and I man the marketing director. She has the final say unless she is wrong. How do I know when she is wrong? Well, she hasn’t made a bad decision yet so she is never wrong and I am smart enough to know that. She and I would never do anything to jeopardize the business. She created the original business plan we follow and I use my marketing background to design the web pages, implement the media, and do online promotions. Because the site provides health information and she is an RN with a Masters degree, she has the expertise in that field. I recognize her strong points and she does mine. We try not to argue, but rather, we discuss and yes, there is a difference. We must agree on every aspect and that’s not always easy, but it is necessary. We realize that our business has the potential to be very profitable and have had the patience to take our time to do things right. We’ve already made many mistakes, but we’re learning. So, if you have a business partner that’s also your spouse, then take a tip from me. Love your business, but love each other first. That’s the real bottom line for both relationships.