Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Focus On Repeat Business - For More Profit And An Easier Life

How much time, money and effort does it take to win a new customer? For most businesses, if they can quantify what it costs to acquire a new client, it's considerable.

You have to advertise, make contact, try and set an appointment, visit, fact-find, draw up a proposal, make a presentation then try to close. Phew, tiring just thinking about all of that! And of course you don't win every job you pitch on, many times all that effort produces no direct payback.

Now consider how much easier it is dealing with an existing customer. You can get through the 'secretary barrier' and speak to your client without difficulty. If they were happy with the work you have done so far, they'll be receptive to your next proposal. When you have discussions, they will be more frank because they trust you. You are in a good situation to suggest add-ons and price is less of an issue than it was initally because they are confident that your work is good.

Contrast that with how hard it is getting through to a new prospect and you can see that life is much simpler if you have a stable of happy, repeat customers.

How do we get to this pleasant situation? The key is to never disappoint your customer - no nasty surprises. If you promise something, do it. Excuses are poison. If a situation arises when you can't deliver, tell the customer up-front, so he can adjust his plans. And stay in touch, no one likes to be neglected.

Satisfied customers become extremely loyal; when a competitor tries to take your business, your customer will say, 'We already have a good supplier'. And they will spread the word about you too.