Making Money Online Doing Freelance Work
Anyone who is able to operate a computer, has an internet connection, and is well organized can find plenty of freelance work to do from home. It is an excellent way to make money when you are able to work.
You can do it part time, full time, as a way to make extra income, or to pay off existing debts you have. There are many different types of freelance work that you can choose from including data entry, writing articles, proofreading, translating, transcribing, marketing, website design, and computer troubleshooting.
There are a variety of online freelance sites that allow those needing this type of work to list it at no charge. You simply sign up at the sites and choose the type of work you are interested in doing. You will have to place bids on the projects and then the person needing the work selects someone to do it. The dollar amount that is agreed upon is placed into an escrow account on the site. Once you have completed the work and delivered it to the buyer the funds are released to your account.
In the beginning it will take some time to build up your reputation as someone who offers quality work. Make sure you always complete assignments on time. Each of these sites offers a rating system where buyers and freelance workers can rate each other. This information listed about you will help you get more work from others if it is positive. Make sure you take the time to research the various sites offering this type of work. Look for independent reviews about them online. You will find many to be very reputable.
The host sites that link those who need work done and those willing to do it will keep a percentage of the money you earn. In most cases it is 10% or 15% of your earnings. Other sites charge you a flat rate per month regardless of how much you earn. It is up to you which way will be more profitable.
In exchange for these sites hosting the work, that isn’t too much for them to charge. Consider you get to work from home, choose your hours, and not have to commute to work or purchase clothing to dress up for work. They also have arbitration systems in place. This way if the buyer won’t accept your work they can take a look at what you completed and decide if the buyer is obligated to pay for it or not.
Don’t get greedy though and work with individuals who want to pay you outside of the site. Sure, you won’t have to give the site their fees, but this is a scam often used to get quality work from individuals and then not pay for it. If this happens you won’t have any way to make the buyer pay for it. Always use the site for communications and payments so that you don’t get taken advantage of.
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