Thursday, May 17, 2007

Digital Dashboards: Are You Able to Accurately Measure the Performance of Your Enterprise?

In today’s volatile economy, the first question that pops up when we talk about our enterprise is, “how well are we performing?”. Although the question seems to be very simple, the answer can be very subjective. Based on the information available, at any moment in time, you can assume a state. But what about the so called “information available”, how current and accurate is it? Are you really able to accurately measure your enterprise’s “health” at any given instant and say, today – this moment, our organization’s overall performance is X? Do you have real-time data that you can rely on?

Especially in large corporations where measurables are spread over numerous layers of departments and sub-departments; each one of them having there own information systems and ways of measuring performance. How do you provide this information to each layer in a format that they can relate to? How do you take all this information and compile it into a simple “at-a-glance spot check” report for your senior executives? Are you able to immediately identify problem areas and bottle-neck processes? Do you have a business management tool that provides, all levels of your organization, snapshot views of your performance with the ability to drill-down into lower levels of data? And, of course, can you still contain all of this within your budget, resource and time constraints?

If you are looking for any or all of the above, look no further! Q-NET Report is the answer to your data accessibility, dissemination and viewing problems. Q-NET is the leading Business Intelligence tool kit, that caters to all your needs. With Q-NET, you can easily create Business or Digital Dashboards to show performance indicators, at all levels, with drill down links to detailed data. Q-NET takes it to the next level by tying in real-time data, making your enterprise dashboards totally dynamic with accurate up to the second information. Create all key performance indicators and metrics, identify negative trends and correct them by making the right “educated” decisions. Use Q-NET to “drive” your business on the highway to success.