Do Your Customers Have To Ask You To Market Your Business?
I know, I know...
Please allow me to explain, because this is an instant profit generator for your business.
I mean it.
If you own a business that offers multiple products or services to your do your customers find out the ways that your business can benefit their lives?
Do they have to actually ask you? I mean, is it their fault if they don't do enough research and find out from other sources what you have to offer?
Nope, it isn't their's your fault...and your responsibility to educate your customers how your business can benefit their lives.
"But Joe, I have a website/brochure that does all of that. Man, your a moron...telling me that I have to educate my customers on all of the services/products that I offer. Plus, they never ask me what I offer, so I assume they don't want to know." When a business owner replies this way...I naturally challenge them:
"Ok, Mrs. Business Owner, so what you are saying is it is your customers responsibility to use your brochures and websites etc... to educate themselves on your business and its offerings? What if they don't understand everything you offer? What if they don't want to read your website or brochure to find out how about every way you can help them?" "Mrs. Business Owner, how are you going to get your message across?"
Let's expand on this a little...using an example from a consultants business. * A client hires a marketing consultant to execute the marketing for their business.
* During the process, they uncover that the client's business lacks a system of marketing to their existing customer database. This requires that copy be written for the mailers to go out to that database. Well, the consultant should be able to tell you that client will pay fees to write that copy on top of the fees for executing the database marketing effort.
Because in the beginning of any relationship that consultant builds with their clients...They should educate them on the value of copywriting as part of their marketing process...then inform them that they offer that as well. This consulting relationship just had some value - added...because the consultant ensured that their clients are aware of, and educate them on the value of, every one of the services that the consultant provides.
And this can happen for you too. You cannot trust that your website, brochure, or other marketing collateral will do this all - important task. If you have sales staff, they need to be trained properly in offering and educating your clients on your entire menu of services or products that you provide and offer these to your new and existing customers. If you have not done this very well up to this point...this is an instant source of cash flow for your business.
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