Monday, April 16, 2007

Managing Your Internet Business for Success

There are people who insist that they work because they love what they do, and that may be true. But, stop paying them and how long will they continue loving it? Call me cynical, but I just do not buy it.

I know I started my internet businesses with the aim of making a decent income (okay I wanted to make a killing, okay? Fine!) The only problem is, sometimes to make a killing you end up killing others financially and, depending on how far in debt they are, it could even turn out to be a literal killing. A kind of "passive murder" if you will.

I will tell you straight (at least as far as I am concerned) that almost every time I put up an article or send out an email, it is designed to help my business grow. I am not "in the market" to pass my time because I have nothing better to do.

And neither are my subscribers/customers (at least, I hope not).

Whether or not you choose to believe this, I will say that everything I promote on my blog or through my emails, I do so in the belief that I am promoting something that is or could be beneficial to myself and my customers. As long as the product is used as it is supposed to be used and not just left on the metaphoric shelf to gather dust.

I believe that honesty is paramount in business, even if it means my profits are reduced as a result. And I also believe that customer service is the king of all products.

Having finished that sermon, let's move onto more relevant issues: That of how to find something to market on the internet.

It's been a few months since I started in the internet marketing business industry. I have been going at it full time and then some. In all that time all I saw everywhere I looked, in the forums, the newsletters, etc., was that you have to find a niche to succeed.

"I do not have a niche," I kept telling myself, because I just assumed I knew nothing while everyone keeps saying that EVERYONE knows SOMETHING. I just figured the internet business industry did not know me otherwise they would shut up.

Funnily, it turns out that the people in the internet business industry were right. We, all of us, just need to look a bit deeper into ourselves, sometimes to recognize the most obvious. You see, I completely "forgot" that I studied business, both practically and theoretically.

For my final project I actually had to start a business from scratch, from the initial idea to the final presentation of the plan to a potential venture capitalist (in this case the lecturer). I had two partners and I was assigned the group leader. I also did the majority of the work, including the complete presentation materials for myself and my partners.

And we actually came top of the class out of five groups of 3-4 people in each. And I thought I did not know anything.

Why am I mentioning this now? Is it to show off my abilities? No.

The reason I mention this is to demonstrate that, indeed, we all have some abilities but, because we are not able to look at ourselves "from a distance" we tend not to recognize those abilities. But they are there. Keep looking and you will find something to make it big in the internet business industry.