Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Control The Paper Blizzard

When you enter your office space, are you overwhelmed with the amount of papers stacked on the desk, chairs, and floor? Even in this age of computers and electronics, the quantity of paper that we are printing, receiving and filing has grown substantially. Add to that the mail that we receive daily that needs to be acted upon or filed. Is there a way to take back control of our piles and files?

You bet! A paper/workflow system needs to be developed to accommodate the information that you must keep. Everyone will create a different method that supports their personal strengths and makes it easy for them to find what they need.

Several different options are available to create a filing system:

1. Alphabetical - all files are a-z

2. Categorical and/or color code - broad topics such as insurance, medical, home, finance, etc. You may choose to color code by category for a visual reminder.

3. The `if/then' method - Make files depending on what comes first. For example: all job related files may be first; then, because of your job, you will have income, banking and investment information; next, because you have finances, you may have a home/mortgage, insurance, etc. It is another approach to creating a `system'.

The most important rule is to HAVE a process that works for you. Develop a routine of going through your incoming papers and mail. It won't happen by itself, rather you have to plan and schedule the time. Make it a habit. Perhaps everyday at 4:30 you will deal with the papers before you end your day. Over time, it will become automatic, just like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast.

Begin with the most current papers. Develop a system based on today's information and continue to file and toss as you go through the stacks on your desk and on the floor. Plan to work in 30-45 minute increments of time. Your focus will remain stronger and you will accomplish a lot more in a short period of time. Then, move on to other tasks.

Remember, the piles and files didn't get this way overnight. Give yourself the benefit of time in order to take back control of the paper blizzard. Soon, you will be able to enjoy the calm environment that you have always wanted.

Don't Agonize...Organize It!